Love is the most vital, yet most misunderstood force in our lives. Through Discover the Power of Deep Love, you will explore many forms and beautiful levels of love, and discover how to transform yourself into a being who radiates and attracts pure love, joy, and beauty.
Through the discussions and 12 guided meditations, you will not only find an understanding of the many aspects of love, but you will experience them unfolding within you and expressing themselves through you to others and all creation.
Discover Love will give you a new expansive perspective on love, life, and people. You will experience love as a wonderful creative energy that manifests through all you think and do.
During this program, you will discover:
- What love is and what it is not. How many misinterpret their feelings and attachments for love. Delve the depths of unconditional love through inspiring discussions and guided meditations.
- How to open communication with your Higher Self and explore questions regarding situations, relationships, or how to express love.
- How to develop a love consciousness and rise above uncomfortable or limiting situations. Rising through the barriers and obstacles of life.
- How the energy patterns of love affect you and how to utilize love energy to transmute any negativity or limitation. Learn how to create and attract more love in your life.
- How to clear blocks to giving and receiving love
- Attract love with transformational meditations to fill you with a permanent love consciousness attracting loving people to you and bringing you joy, health and love evermore.
- Merge with love through a meditation infused with a new nourishing and strengthening love essence, and you feel the love that merges you with the infinite love of the universe.
- Immerse yourself in beautiful frequencies of love that radiates throughout your entire being and becomes your new level of love awareness all the time.
- Expand into Unity and Spiritual Love as you are guided into a high dimension of love where your vibrations rise and you enter a beautiful universe where love washing through you.
- Experience the ultimate love as you merge with Divine Mind. These meditations can take you beyond common limitations into wondrous realms of discovery where ancient secrets are revealed, where you'll find amazing insights, release inner gifts, and strip away the blocks that have been holding you back.
This Comprehensive Program on Love has the following:
Discover Love 1 (Tracks 1-6):
Discussions Tracks 1-3: What is love and what is not. The many ways that love manifests. How many misinterpret their feelings and attachments for love.
Track 4 Meditation 1: Power of Love to dissolve negative experiences or situations in your life through the power of love. (16:25)
Tracks 5 & 6 contain a continued discussions expressing higher aspects of love and how we
form our perceptions of love. Learn how to expand any limitations on love’s expression, and
develop a love consciousness.
Discover Love 2 (Tracks 7-12):
Tracks 7 & 8 Discussions on Unconditional Love. Discussions include: Unconditional nonattached love which brings happiness, peace, joy, and beauty to your life.
Track 9 Meditation 2: Unconditional Love unfolds unconditional love and acceptance and attracts others who have those traits. (15:26)
Track 10 Meditation 3: Unconditional Love 2 puts you in a beautiful state of unconditional love. (8:35)
Track 11 is a short intro to meditation 4
Track 12 Meditation 4: Higher Self Explorations to open communication with your Higher Self and explore questions regarding situations, relationships, or how to express love. (22:16)
Discover Love 3 (Tracks 13-17):
Tracks 13-16 Discussions on Unconditional Love. How to develop a love consciousness and rise above uncomfortable or limiting situations. Rising through the barriers and obstacles of life.
Track 17 Meditation 5: Love Consciousness to recreate your being and consciousness of pure love. (29:38)
Discover Love 4 (Tracks 18-21):
Track 18 Discussion and explorations on how the energy patterns of love affect you and how to utilize love energy to transmute any negativity or limitation. Learn how to create and attract more love in your life.
Tracks 19 – Meditation 6: Clear Love Blocks – Clear blocks to giving and receiving love (22:01)
Tracks 20 – Short Discussion and prep for Meditation 7
Track 21 Meditation 7: Radiate Love to clear blocks to love, to help you radiate love, and attract others who are loving to you. (23:52)
Discover Love 5 (Tracks 22-26):
Track 22 – Meditation 8 - Attract Love. You are guided into a beautiful garden where you view your life filled with pure unconditional love. You see yourself relating to people and situations with gentleness, kindness and love. More than 20 affirmations repeated with emotional reinforcement in this meditation fill you with a permanent love consciousness attracting loving people to you and bringing you joy, health and love evermore. (16:00)
Track 23 – Meditation 9 - Merge with Love. With the guidance of a master teacher you are filled with pulsating spheres of love-light energy and you see your true nature as a creation of love. Your inner vision is opened to see the love energy of others in your life, and you watch as the dance of radiant love between you merges in beautiful patterns. Your perceptions are permanently transformed into a higher awareness of your love nature and it dissolves all disturbances and negativity. You end the meditation infused with a new nourishing and strengthening love essence, and you feel the love that merges you with the infinite love of the universe.
Track 24 – Meditation 10 - Radiate Love. By using the forces of nature you immerse yourself in beautiful frequencies of love that radiates throughout your entire being and becomes your new level of love awareness all the time.
Track 25 – Meditation 11 - Unity & Spiritual Love. You are guided into a high dimension of love where your vibrations rise and you enter a beautiful universe where love washing through you. Then you enter Unity in the sea of consciousness where you surrender attachments and experience the absolute ecstasy of pure unity and love.
Track 26 – Meditation 12 - Sea of Consciousness. Experience the ultimate love as you merge with Divine Mind. These guided meditations can take you beyond common limitations into wondrous realms of discovery…where ancient secrets are revealed, where you'll find amazing insights, release inner gifts, and strip away the blocks that have been holding you back.
Plus, Radiant Love Subliminal with Meditation Music, Gentle Woodwinds, New Age Music, and Tropical Ocean formats.
Discover Love can take you beyond common limitations into wondrous realms of discovery…where ancient secrets are revealed, where you'll find amazing insights, release inner gifts, and strip away the blocks that have been holding you back.
Program Includes Visualizations, Mind Talk & Subliminal
Read Full Descriptions Of Each Below
Guided Visualizations - Program includes guided imagery sessions.
The Mind Power Guided Visualization programs have a powerful combination of sound effects and mind-synch techniques to access your subconscious with positive programming.
Because you will be relaxed and in a state of peak receptivity this new programming enters the deepest levels of your consciousness for the most compelling and lasting transformations.
How Does It Work?
The guided visualization sessions utilize a revolutionary technology based on the holographic model of the brain. Your first session gently leads you into a pleasant and peaceful state that provides unique access to all levels of your subconscious mind.
While you are relaxing on your mental vacation, you will be led through the life-changing magic of sensory imagery with the positive impact of empowering mind scripts. In just 23 minutes you will return from your odyssey relaxed, recharged, and renewed.
Your second 23-minute inner journey “meditates you!” You are effortlessly escorted into a unique audio matrix filled with a proprietary combination of sound effects and competing metaphors which have been engineered to deliver a powerful inner experience automatically.
All you do is relax, adjust your headphones, and let the guided session entrain your mind with its powerful mind-rescripting directives. Be aware that some visualizations have one track is intentionally recorded at a lower volume than the other to best impact your subconscious mind.
The guided visualizations program your subconscious mind to attract and create lasting benefits by mentally imaging the success you want. The visualization sessions need your undivided attention and should be used when you can relax and be undisturbed.
We recommend doing at least one guided visualization each day when you will be undisturbed.
Mind Talk - Program includes the power of audible + subliminal positive affirmations that are like your own personal 24-hour-a-day success coach.
The Mind Talk programs utilize multiple subconscious trigger techniques to positively conform all your inner beliefs and attitudes so you can manifest your highest dreams and desires.
While you are consciously being powerfully motivated to success with audible affirmations, your subconscious mind will be storing the same life-changing subliminal affirmations embedded in the soothing background sounds and beautiful music.
You can use these Mind Talk sessions while you are working, reading, exercising, relaxing or even while you are falling asleep.
The Mind Talk programs combine the natural process of inner self talk which you do all the time with multiple subconscious trigger techniques. The result is that now you have control over your own inner self talk, and you will activate your subconscious and superconscious mind to bring you the results you want!
Now with these Mind Talk programs you have control over your own self-talk so your subconscious mind power will bring you the results you want!
The Mind Talk programs provide you with a powerful motivational coach to keep you peaceful throughout the day. The subliminal affirmations are the same as the ones you are hearing audibly, but are embedded in the soothing music.
In this way both your conscious and subconscious minds are working to help you achieve your goals.
Listen to these programs every morning when you are getting ready for work or other activities, while you are eating, working, relaxing, exercising or anytime throughout the day.
You can even use the Mind Talk programs as sleep programming. Sleep learning is a powerful method of life-changing subconscious programming. Some electronic stores sell small inexpensive pillow speakers specifically designed for this purpose so you won’t disturb others, but you can use any player with the volume turned down low.
The more often you play these programs the better they work, so play them as much as possible.
Both first and second person affirmations are used for maximum receptivity. If the audible statements are in second person (you), the subliminal affirmations are in first person (I), and vice versa. You will feel so uplifted, positive, and happy listening to these Mind Talk programs.
Subliminal Programming - To make lasting improvements in your life, you must make changes at the subconscious level. This program is designed to do just that by imprinting the positive messages directly on your subconscious, with no interference or filtering from your conscious mind.
In order to make lasting improvements in your life, you must make changes at the subconscious level. Our subliminal programs are designed to do just that by imprinting the positive messages directly on your subconscious, with no interference or filtering from your conscious mind.
The subliminal messages bypass any conscious or subconscious mental resistance you might have, and work directly to reprogram your mind with the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes you want. Subliminal programs can be listened to while you are doing just about any other activity.
The male and female voiced messages on this program have been specially processed to deliver a high saturation of up to 5,000 clear messages per hour. The strong, clear messages were recorded just slightly below the music or environmental sounds using our proprietary computer processor, ensuring the strongest saturation of subliminal messages.
Each message is embedded so precisely that you don’t consciously hear them, yet they are well within the range of normal hearing to strongly register on your brain.
Play the subliminal programs softly in the background any time day or night, because the more you listen the greater the effect.
Samples of Subliminal Messages:
I am created with pure love • I am a being of love • I deserve to be filled with love • I surrender to Divine love • I continually exist in love • I am love. I am truth. I am beauty • I merge with pure love • I walk in beauty and truth and I walk in love • I am composed of love • Love is my answer to all my challenges • I always radiate love • Love is the healing force in my life • I continually refine and purify my being with love • I allow the highest love to flow in and around me •With each new day I am filled with more and more of the highest levels of love • I attract others who are the embodiment of love energy • Each day I take time to focus on, feel, and express love • and dozens more...
Discover Love contains subliminal messages with 4 different formats including: meditation music, new age music, gentle woodwinds, and tropical ocean.
Discover Love can take you beyond common limitations into wondrous realms of discovery…where ancient secrets are revealed, where you'll find amazing insights, release inner gifts, and strip away the blocks that have been holding you back.
All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.