Do you ever feel spacy or something is wrong with you?
You may sense that something is off but you don’t know what or why. If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulty focusing, discouragement, ungroundedness, brain fog, spaciness, or confusion, you may think there is something physically or psychologically wrong with you.
You might even think that everyone experiences these symptoms, at least from time-to-time, and you may even think it is normal. Some people feel these ways so frequently they adjust to it as if it is a natural part of life.
If the symptoms are severe, a psychologist will say the person is disassociated and has a mental illness. The big question to ask yourself is what is really going on and what can be done about it?
Of course, there can be physical reasons for any of the symptoms mentioned so getting a good physical with blood tests would be a place to start. If things check out OK physically, it is time to look further, because those symptoms are not normal or natural.
The truth of the matter is that many if not most people do experience some of those spacy symptoms at times without knowing the causes. There are at least two major subtle-energy contributors to those symptoms.
How Subtle-Energy Can Create Spacy Symptoms
The first cause can be that you have absorbed subtle-energy from other people. This is most pronounced with people who are empathic, but that is only because they notice it more readily than most others do. This happens to everyone and knowing what to do about it critical for you to know.
Here’s why picking up energy patterns from others is far more common than most people realize. Everyone carries mental and emotional subtle-energy patterns. These patterns, composed of lifeforce energy hold characteristics of what the person has experienced, memories about events, conclusions they came to, and the emotional reactions they had. These reside as thoughtforms in a person’s aura and chakras and can also reside in the physical body itself. These subtle-energy patterns can cause you to feel moody, spacy, irritable, or confused. Here are two examples:
One common example that many have experienced is being in a room full of people where there was a high stress level and someone comments that the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Almost everyone can feel that, but may not realize some of that stress energy can be carried home after the meeting. What people are sensing is the subtle-energy created by the reactions of people in the room, and you can still feel anxiety, stressed, irritable, or moody for hours or days after the meeting.
Another example is if a person had a strong disagreement with someone, and that person became frustrated and angry. The anger produces subtle-energy patterns that can linger for hours or days with that person and if you are exposed to that person you can find yourself feeling irritated. The person may not have even said anything about their argument but being around them can be sufficient for you to acquire some of their anger energy.
You can see by these common examples the condition is not just psychological, but something that you can feel in very real ways. Since these symptoms can be caused by subtle energies, knowing about them can put you in a power position to clear them.
Subtle-Energy Fragmentation
The second source of the symptoms I listed earlier is called energy fragmentation. When your energy is fragmented you’ll feel spacy and some of the other symptoms. Some shamans refer to this as soul fragmentation; however, in my experience, the soul cannot fragment, but your energy field can.
To understand fragmentation or disconnection, you need to understand that you are composed of many sub-personalities or identities. Each of your emotional reactions has subtle-energy patterns that embody that emotion. For instance, you probably have an anger sub-personality that rears its ugly head when you are blocked from obtaining what you want, someone challenges you, or a person or situation attempts to control you. Something may be said to you or done to you that triggers your anger sub-personality and you find yourself reacting spontaneously before you even have time to think about it.
Each of your personality traits embodies a sub-personality. Fear, depression, anxiety, worry, futility and guilt are examples of negative emotions and negative sub-personalities. Charisma, compassion, joyfulness, serenity, love, and kindness are just a few positive sub-personalities. When you put all of these together plus many others, you have the conglomerate of traits that form your overall personality.
When something highly charged or traumatic happens to you, pieces of your subtle-energy sub-personalities can fragment. When that happens you feel like something is missing. This is what causes you to feel spacy and the other the symptoms I listed earlier such as as fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulty focusing, or confusion.
This can happen when something jars you, knocks you off center, shocks you such as nearly having an accident, being startled and surprised, being knocked out, experiencing deep loss, or having a reaction from a drug. Most people recover from these experiences over time and adjust to the fragmentation and they may even come to accept the symptoms of fragmentation as their new normal. The problem is some symptoms can continue for years or decades if untreated.
When you experience a fragmentation a part of your subtle-energy body disengages, or develops cracks or subtle-energy leaks and you feel spacy and like your not all there. This causes the symptoms I’ve mentioned and hinders you from experiencing your potential and developing as a whole person. When the fragments are not recalled and reintegrated, you have difficulty feeling like a whole person.
How Does Energy Fragmentation Happen?
Sadly, in our modern world, almost sll people have some degree of fragmentation. In fact, it would be quite rare if you don’t have some degree of fragmentation without even being aware of it. It can be a consequence of everyday life caused by accidents, injuries, sudden unexpected events that shock you, emotional distress, abuse, drug overdoses, fearful events, and physical traumas that jolt you. Some of this is described in more detail in William Baldwin’s book Spirit Releasement Therapy.
Your soul does not fragment and is always whole and complete, and herein lies the secret to the solution of fragmentation. However, most of the people you pass on the street are unaware of what the soul is and can do. This is because they have developed individual identities in order to function in every day life. The identities or sub-personalities are what make up the ego which is a survival and defense program designed to keep you as safe and secure as possible. The problem with the ego is it operates like your operating system the overrides your soul and causes you to lose touch with your true self or soul.
What Happens when You Disconnect?
When you disconnect from your core soul, you operate from survival instincts. You gradually lose awareness of what the soul is and what resources it offers you. This disconnection increases over time and can be intensified by traumatic events that fragment the identities that make up your personality.
When that happens, the fragments can rise to the surface and exert an influence that causes you to react negatively without you understanding why. For instance, you may have anxiety flare up and you wonder where it came from. Because the fragment is disconnected from your soul, it triggers worry or fear over what it doesn’t understand or what it thinks is threatening. In other cases, other fragments can activate causing depression, self-hatred, hopelessness, bitterness, unworthiness, guilt, suffering, irritability, neediness, struggling, victimization, sadness, depletion, and being blocked and stuck.
As a result of the fragmentation you can experience an increasing feeling of being alienated from yourself, life, and your soul. This causes you to feel burdened with emotions, feel numb, or have an inability to find solutions or direction for your life. What generally happens at that point is you try to ignore or bury those sensations with activities such as involving yourself with many distractions so you can avoid the inner feelings of helplessness.
Here’s a common and tragic way
fragmentation often happens:
Imagine that a child is hurt, neglected, or abused. In order to cope with these experiences, the child escapes by detaching from the situation. In some cases, the child does this by seeking escape into a fantasy world or has an out-of-body experience. These then become self-protective coping mechanisms that are utilized for the rest of the person’s life.
Tribal cultures often labeled this as soul fragmentation or soul loss. What actually happens is the mind attempts to cope with the trauma by ignoring or blocking the emotional wounds.
For example, person who dreams of being a biologist but has to live up to the parent’s expectations of going into the family business will be pressured to ignore the dream to receive the parent’s approval. The person then either blames the parents to avoid taking responsibility for the dream being thwarted, or develops depression because of not being accepted by them. In this way the person ends up living life through a fragmented sub-personality that is unfulfilled.
Additional Symptoms of Energy Fragmentation
There are numerous symptoms besides feeling spacy that give clues to possible energy fragmentation. Fragmentation leads to a wide variety of problems by reducing your lifeforce energy and trapping you in the energy of the fragment. This loss of energy prevents you from living a happy and healthy life.
Often fragmentation can last an entire lifetime because a person doesn’t realize what the condition is or doesn’t know how to solve it. To heal from the fragmentation you need to first recognize it has occurred, then identify the nature of the fragment, and lastly apply subtle-energy healing methods to address the condition. Once that is successfully done, you’ll feel more alive than you’ve ever felt and your mind will be clearer than what you’ve become accustomed to.
To help you have a better understanding of your fragmentation look for any of these 24 symptoms. There may be other causes for these symptoms but they are also very common when fragmentation is the cause:
1. You have gaps in your memories.
2. You often feel like you are living in a bubble.
3. Sometimes feelings of depression arise for no reason.
4. Your senses seem muted.
5. You have an ethereal feeling around you.
6. You feel like some part of you is missing or broken.
7. Sometimes you feel emotionally numb.
8. You get spacy or mentally drift.
9. You have feelings of anxiety and don’t know why.
10. Getting a good night’s sleep is rare for you.
11. You sometimes feel confused or lost.
12. You find it difficult to focus and concentrate.
13. You feel like you lost a part of yourself after a trauma.
14. You feel stuck and unable to move your life forward.
15. You are prone to have major or minor accidents.
16. Sometime you don’t know why you react emotionally.
17. You feel unworthy of happiness, success, or love.
18. You experience “dark nights of the soul.”
19. You can’t seem to feel fulfilled or have meaning.
20. You often feel ungrounded or uncentered.
21. You long to connect with groups or individual people.
22. You feel drained or fatigued with no medical reason.
23. You are searching to find out who you really are.
24. You try to prevent feeling disconnected with addictions such as busyness, work, sex, drugs, alcohol, or food.
How to Reintegrate After Fragmentation
The place to start is with recalling the originating event, if you can, that caused the fragmentation. Think back to when you first noticed feeling spacy, reactive, or disoriented.
Describe the symptom in one or two sentences.
Rate the degree of disassociation your feel on a scale from one to ten with ten being the strongest.
Next, say the following to yourself:
“I call all of my energy back to me from the fragmenting event.”
“I call all of my energy into present time, right here and now.”
At this point, you’ll want to firmly ground yourself like this:
Sitting upright imagine you are sitting on a tree stump three (3) feet in diameter.
Be specific and deliberate as you imagine that tree trunk going straight down to the center of the Earth. Anchor the column strongly from your first chakra at the base of the spine and bind thousands of roots into the core of the earth.
It is not necessary to see this in your mind’s eye as long as you hold the intention for this to exist. It helps to move your lips and describe to yourself what you are doing while you are doing it.
Release negative energy and other people’s energy on you down the grounding column and deep into the earth.
Be sure the grounding stays the same diameter all the way down and clean it with a golden ball of light or golden scrub brushes if you sense it is clogged up. For extra strong grounding to stabilize you attach 6″ grounding columns to each of the chakras 2, 3, & 4, as well as one on the brain stem (reptilian brain), and limbic system in the brain.
I have more details about this in my free e-book, Stay Strongly Grounded: Be Strong, Stable & Centered In A Chaotic World.
Grounding needs to be done everyday. I suggest you make it a daily habit when you first get up–sitting on the edge of your bed.
If you do the grounding process and still feel spacy or have other symptoms, I’d suggest you contact me for private sessions as I can help you with this a great deal over the phone. I am able to connect with your energy field and clear you and reintegrate fragmented energies. More information here: Phone Sessions.