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How to Decode the Abundance Mindset

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $67.00.

Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

You will receive complete and thorough teachings in mind power and visualization techniques to apply the attraction codes to prosperity, success, relationships, health and spirituality. It’s time to become the designer of your own life! No matter where you are today you can surpass anything you have dreamed possible.

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Train Your Subconscious Mind to Work For You Instead of Against You

Install an abundant, ultra-life success program into your subconscious mind

Have you ever noticed how:

  1. Your life is composed of repeating patterns?
  2. You create the same kinds of problems over and over?
  3. Similar health and relationship issues repeat?
  4. You have similar recycling financial problems?

You will receive complete and thorough teachings in mind power and visualization techniques to apply the attraction codes to prosperity, relationships, health, spirituality, and your entire future.

With this new program you can set your success forces into full effect starting immediately. You’ll master new tools you can use for the rest of your life and learn skills you can practice and apply today.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Apply the 6 overlooked laws of success
  • Discover and eliminate 7 core blocks to success
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs causing patterns to repeat in your life
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs causing patterns to repeat in your life
  • Stop self-sabotage
  • Use 7 vital steps to effective visualizations—the secret shortcut to success
  • Unlock the winning mind-set traits essential to success
  • Reveal the hidden key to creating abundance with 20 questions & answers
  • Explore and dissolve limitations haunting you from your childhood
  • Reverse the effects of the strongest self-defeating program
  • Master 4 powerful visualization sessions to change negatives in your life to positives

You will be guided through the strongest visualization techniques to integrate a prosperity and success consciousness. Special visualization processes generate the core power of this course. You will be directed to find your subconscious blocks and remove them. Then, using the most powerful keys to effective visualization, you precisely engage your subconscious mind to automatically begin attracting money, success, health, and enriched relationships. Not to mention enhancing your social and spiritual life!

It’s time to become the designer of your own life! No matter where you are today you can surpass anything you have dreamed possible. It’s time to reprogram your subconscious mind, engage the laws of attraction, and create the life you have dreamed about!

Program Contents

Chapter 1: The Six Laws of Life Success
Being successful is not just “the luck of the draw” as you may currently believe. All successful people, whether consciously or unconsciously, are following the laws of success in one form or another. Once you have mastered these, prosperity and abundance are almost guaranteed.

Chapter 2: 7 Primary Blocks to Your Success
In order to attain and retain wealth, you must first eliminate your subconscious blocks. Becoming aware of the primary blocks–the attitudes, beliefs and emotions that are holding you back, is the first step. Once you learn how to release and eliminate these blocks, you will begin to manifest success and abundance in all areas of your life.

Chapter 3: The Law of VISUALIZATION

Visualization is often the missing link in activating the laws of attraction. If you want to manifest abundance, you must first understand the law of visualization. The images and thoughts we hold in our mind have the power to create. Yet in most cases, your thoughts are working against your dreams of success.

Chapter 4: The 7 Steps of More Effective Visualizations

It is essential to include these seven steps in your visualizations as you begin to manifest your goals. Without them, your visualizations will fall flat and you won’t see the results you are looking for.

Chapter 5: 1st Self-Guided Visualization Session

In this first guided visualization process, you will begin to uncover the subconscious beliefs that are blocking your success. Through this unique process, you will access your subconscious mind in a meditative state and answer 20 questions that uncover your hidden beliefs about prosperity and success. You will never be able to fully commit to the actualization of your dreams without first recognizing your inner beliefs and attitudes.

Chapter 6: Review Your Answers to the Visualization in Chapter Five

The answers your wrote down during the meditation from chapter 5 are reviewed and discussed in detail. You will gain new perspectives on what your true beliefs are about career, money, success, relationships and more. Once you’ve uncovered the blocks in your subconscious, you can actively begin to clear them through visualization and meditation.

Chapter 7: 2nd Self-Guided Visualization Session & The Movie Projector Technique

People have talked about positive thinking for decades, but positive speech also orients your life in a positive way. This second guided visualization will help you eliminate negative word associations, using the unique “movie projector technique” and replace them with positive ones.

Chapter 8: 3rd Self-Guided Visualization Session: Exploring Your Relationship with Money

This progressive visualization accesses your subconscious mind to discover how and why your symbolic relationship with money was formed. You will let go of messages relating to scarcity and lack in order to make room for the abundance that is inherent in the universe.

Chapter 9: Rainbow Beach Visualization: Invitation to Abundance

This very powerful visualization, the last in the course, will give you an activation word you can use to trigger the subconscious and conscious to support you in the realization of your goals. Every time you say this word you will feel a surge of creative energy, triggering your abundance mindset.

Chapter 10: Outlining What You Want to Attract

Through a writing exercise, you will dig deeper to discover which beliefs are holding you back and no longer serving your highest good. Focusing on prosperity, relationships, career, spirituality, and health, you will work to illuminate and eliminate negative thought patterns. If you change your subconscious beliefs, you can change your life!

Chapter 11: Eyes-Open Visualization Technique

Master this technique and use it frequently to strengthen the positive relationships in your life and help those that aren’t serving your highest good withdraw. Relationships can be a cause and manifestation of non-attuned thinking and old subconscious patterns.

Chapter 12: The Power of Journaling

Journaling is a direct and very powerful form of visualization. We create through thought, word and deed. By learning to journal in this specific way, you will focus your energy and make decisions about what you really want to achieve. It also helps you maintain passion and desire, two powerful energies toward the manifestation of your goals.

Chapter 13: EPILOGUE

We live in a wholly abundant universe. Everything you could desire is already in existence—and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This energy is available to you as a creative potential. All you have to do is tap into it, and trust.


An accompanying 56 page workbook will help you become crystal clear on your blocks and help you redefine new beliefs and goals! Download the course chapters and workbook in PDF and Word format.

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.