Discover Your Chakras and Their Meanings and
Learn how your chakras affect your health, your relationships,
your spiritual progress and your entire life and what you can do to clear and heal them

To find out about your chakras and their meanings ask yourself if you have any of these symptoms?

1. Have you felt like your energy is drained? It might be!
2. Do some issues you struggle with keep coming back? That’s not just your karma!
3. Have you unexplained aches and pains? There is always a cause!
4. Does it seem like it takes a lot of effort to move forward? It is probably not bad luck!
5. Have you had a hard time controlling your weight? It may not be what you think!
6. Do you have mental confusion? It may not be in your head!
7. Do unexpected emotions come up out of “nowhere?” They’re from somewhere!

It is not uncommon for the answers to be where most people would never think to look. This is where the chakras and their meanings need to be examined. You may realize you’ve been struggling with some of the same issues for years, but just knowing your issues hasn’t freed you from them. Why is that?

Knowing about an issue is only the first step to a permanent solution. Most therapies and self-help programs do not address the patterns held in a person’s subtle energy field, and that includes techniques that access your aura and chakras and their meanings. That’s right. The solution has a lot more than just addressing your subconscious mind.

There is an Invisible Force that Controls Your Life

What is this mysterious force? It comes down to the subtle energy patterns everyone has set in motion. These patterns show up first in your aura and chakras and then you feel the effects in your body and emotions.

When you shift or change your energy field, your life will change as well.

Now, How Do You Do That?

A good model to follow is addressing the kinds of energies you have stored in each of your chakras. The chakras are like energy computers that store and process your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Each of your major chakras does this a little differently from the others.

Identification of issues is the most important part of the clearing and healing process. In fact, 80% of the clearing and healing is set up by discovering the details of the issue.

This Is Your Time for Healing Through
Clearing Your Chakras and Their Meanings

When you think about healing you probably usually think of illnesses and diseases, but healing also applies to your emotions and your failure and sabotage patterns as well.

These are precisely the kinds of issues that spiritual healing and energy healing address. Energy healing relates to clearing and balancing the biofield that surrounds and interpenetrates your body. Spiritual healing is calling on your soul and inner healing connections and alignment with your spiritual nature and divine presence.

You have accumulated wounds, habits, and patterns which you carry with you that affects the subtle energy field around you, and since they are “subtle” and not immediately obvious, you usually wonder why undesired things manifest in your life—when there is really no mystery once you understand how it works.

You may have thought that the idea that you create your own reality can sometimes be a scary thought because you usually can’t figure out how you created the situations and conditions you find yourself in.

Of course, this concept seems reasonable when things are going great for you, but when they aren’t it can seem like you are getting hit from out of nowhere.


Physicists tell us that everything is a form of energy, and that important piece of information is what enables us to tap into energy healing techniques. If you bring the subtle energies of the body back into balance by shifting the energy or removing an imbalanced energy, the body can often heal itself.

For instance, almost every problem you will encounter is based on some form of fear. Fear creates a field of disturbance in a person’s energy field. Fear can present itself in various forms like anger, low self-esteem, blame, worry, resentment, self-judgment, etc.

The energy of fear can locate itself in an organ and gradually cause it to malfunction. As you eliminate the fear, the person’s natural lifeforce energy can bring the person back into a healthy state.

In order for a healing of any type to be completely successful, it is essential that the underlying causes are cleared from all levels. If you don’t heal an issue through all levels you often won’t fully heal it or the healing may be temporary. You may avert symptoms, but if the energetic patterns are not cleared, the pattern could find some way of resurfacing or re-manifesting in the future.

For this reason some people have been working on the same issues for 10, 20, or even 30+ years, and some people go almost endlessly from one challenge or illness to another, but in many cases it doesn’t have to be this way.

Wouldn’t You Like To Know About Your
Aura & Chakras And Their Meanings?

(1/2”- 1” out from the skin). This aura corresponds to the first chakra and their meanings contained there. Some illnesses have factors in the etheric body.
This is the blueprint or matrix of the physical body. If it is indented the person feels depleted and lacks vitality. In some cases it can have voids as a result of disease or injuries.

(2”- 4”). This aura corresponds to the second chakra and their meanings contained there. Most illness and diseases have factors in the emotional energy layer of the aura. Core wounds and energy patterns have a lot of emotional charge with feelings such as unresolved fear, anger and guilt. When these patterns are
activated they trigger emotional reactions which only serve to strengthen and
perpetuate the problems.

(4”-10”). This aura corresponds to the third chakra and their meanings contained there. Some illnesses have factors in the mental body. Sub-personalities
form in this layer that limit full expression of the true self or soul. In addition, strong judgments, fixed opinions and beliefs can block subtle energy and can predispose malfunctions.

(10” and beyond). This aura corresponds to the seventh chakra and their meanings contained there. Some illnesses have factors in the spiritual layer. Your soul purpose and expression are found in this layer. Spiritual healing can be related to clearing unresolved karmic issues. When similar circumstances come up several times without seeming causes, it may be karmic in origin.

That simply means that energies were set in motion perhaps somewhere in the long forgotten past that are coming back around and manifesting. Be sure to see my free video: How to Free Yourself from Karma on my YouTube channel. Please
leave a comment too! h

How to do an Effective Energy Healing on Your Own Chakras
and their Meanings Held There as Well as
How to Do Energy Healing on Others

Subtle energy works across all levels in every aspect of life. The question is, do you have complete healing or a temporary alleviation of symptoms. If you re-establish  lifeforce energy flow and clear what was creating the problem, you can have a successful energetic healing on the chakras and their meanings.

The body then may kick in with its own innate intelligence and heal the condition. But if you lack self-permission, then even though you re-established the flow, the blockage can be re-created.

How do you do energy healing which is deep and lasting? There are only three words you need to remember. They are identified with the acronym F.I.R. which stands for: Find, Identify, Release.

First. You must be aware of the blockage. You have to find it. How do you  find it? Tune into it and feel it. Your body talks to you all the time, doesn’t it?

Use pain or the problems in your body as the launching point. If you were to close your eyes and tune into your body and locate a discomfort, that would be
where you start.

Secondly. You then identify how it seems to you. You might have impressions of how it looks such as its shape, color, size, and location. This is how you’ll discover the nature of the energy in your chakras and their meanings.

Ask yourself or your client questions and listen, but don’t get caught in the story.

a. “What memories, feelings, qualities, beliefs, pictures and characteristics do you associate with the disturbance?”

b “If that pain could speak, what would it say?”

c. “What else do I need to know about this?”

Finding the blockage or disturbance brings it to the surface. For instance, in the case of resenting someone, you have to go to the deepest core and get in touch with the fear, hatred, pain, anger, and any other components.

You may find resentment for another person, then a layer of resentment for yourself, and then deeper inside you may find just the quality of hatred and resentment itself.

Identify a sense of where in your body or energy field you are noticing the issue or pattern. These patterns may be in the physical body but they are also held in the chakra nearest where you feel it in your body.

You are identifying the nature of the subtle energy held in the body and the chakras and their meanings that are causing the reactions, feelings, and thoughts. As you identify and describe the issues to yourself you will be able to more effectively clear them at a deep level.

Thirdly, is the release and spiritual healing. When the issue is embraced with the presence of love and light, this energy pattern disappears, and the blockages it caused all disappear as well.

Fill the area, the feelings, and the descriptions with love and healing light. Request an outpouring of healing light and energy from all divine sources including God, the angels, and the soul. Hold the idea or image of perfection.

An effective visual image is to imagine a ball of golden light radiating like the sun in the center of where you notice the symptom the most. Hold your attention on it for a few minutes.

When you release the patterns and bring in light the healthy energy flow to the organs and systems will open up.


The heart center is the home of your soul and when your consciousness is centered there you feel at peace and fulfilled. Your soul is what you want to emerge in your heart chakra and fill it with all of the soul’s presence.

For instance, a person may have a difficulty with their liver and you may be drawn to do spiritual energy healing work on the liver, but upon going deeper you discover that there is really a core pain held in the heart-chakra over feeling unloved or abandoned, and the person is now holding anger in his or her heart and liver. The liver may be where the symptom manifests but it isn’t the cause.

In this case, the heart chakra and the meanings held there are the key. When you heal what is held in the heart chakra the other areas can often heal as well. This is because you connect with the highest enlightened aspect of the soul and establish full spiritual alignment through the heart center and you bring that awareness to the core of the resistance.

It’s OK to work on healing where the symptom is directly, but you also need to heal the core cause which may not be present where the symptom is discovered. You’ll also want to check the chakras and their meanings that relate to the condition.

Healing the core is about a shift in consciousness and returning to the pure nature of the soul and the deep love that is there. The love and light of God and the soul can wash, clear, and fill all the places that cry for love and healing.

Aura healing, healing the chakras and their meanings, energy body healing, etheric healing, healing touch, and mental & emotional body healing are all useful but going to the heart and core brings the deepest transformations. chakras and their meanings.

I have a lot more details on exactly how to do all of that in my free e-book  at this link Chakra Power Secrets 

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